Our Vision
Our Technologies
EyeLief® is a patented, pre-formed, photo-crosslinked biodegradable implant designed to facilitate sustained intraocular release of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) for a period of up to 6 months, with release rates ranging from 0.1 µg/day to 0.625 µg/day.
The rate and duration of API release can be adjusted by altering the implant polymers, the degree of photo-crosslinking, crosslink density, API loading and implant dimensions.
Various formulation interventions have been employed to regulate both the release duration and rate of the API, which in turn influence the degradation time.
EyeLief-SD™ is a variant of the EyeLief technology, and enables sustained intraocular API release for up to 6 months but at an elevated release rate of 0.625 µg/day up to 2 µg/day. The control of API release rates can be managed similarly to that of EyeLief.
EyeLief-SD is the preferred choice for the controlled release of biologics, such as potent anti-VEGFs or biosimilars, and small molecules, including peptides and other potent therapeutics. In contrast, EyeLief is more suitable for small, potent molecules, such as prostaglandins, tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), and peptides.
This advanced implant technology provides a breakthrough solution for long-acting delivery of biologics and small molecule therapeutics.
OcuLief® is a patented system that involves the injection of a gel into the eye using a narrow gauge (25G/27G) needle. This gel simultaneously undergoes two kinetic processes: phase inversion and, upon exposure to visible light, cross-linking to form a photo-crosslinked implant.
The OcuLief implant system enables sustained release of the API and is particularly suitable for biologic molecules that necessitate higher release rates of >4 µg/day for a duration of 6 to 12 months.
Factors influencing the rate and duration of API release from OcuLief include the choice of bio degradable polymers, concentration and and excipients, degree of photo-crosslinking, crosslink density, and the percentage of API loading.
Our Strategies
Develop strategic collaborations with leading pharmaceutical companies to partner Re-Vana technology for the next generation of sustained release therapeutics.
Large Underserved
Patient Populations

- Major growth projected due to lifestyle and age.
- Current therapeutics require frequent administrations.
Global Ophthalmic
Pharmaceutical Market

- Expanding patient populations and novel treatments are forecasted to result in a 45% increase in market revenues through 2024.
- Population growth will represent significant burden on healthcare providers and systems.
- Tham, Y., Li, X., Wong, T., Quigley, H., Aung, T. and Cheng, C., 2020. Global Prevalence Of Glaucoma And Projections Of Glaucoma Burden Through 2040.1. Tham, Y., Li, X., Wong, T., Quigley, H., Aung, T. and Cheng, C., 2020. Global Prevalence Of Glaucoma And Projections Of Glaucoma Burden Through 2040.
- Ogurtsova, K., da Rocha Fernandes, J., Huang, Y., Linnenkamp, U., Guariguata, L., Cho, N., Cavan, D., Shaw, J. and Makaroff, L., 2017. IDF Diabetes Atlas: Global Estimates For The Prevalence Of Diabetes For 2015 And 2040.
- Wang, W., Su, X., Li, X., Cheung, C., Klein, R., Cheng, C. and Wong, T., 2014. Global Prevalence Of Age-Related Macular Degeneration And Disease Burden Projection For 2020 And 2040: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis.
- Source: Market Scope Estimates 2019; Courtesy MarketScope. http://market-scope.com/
Partnerships and Collaborations
Re-Vana is working with several global pharmaceutical companies in conducting preformulation and preclinical feasibility studies.